
Elements for Stress Relief Meditations

Whether you’re ready to relive the elements experience or diving in for the first time now you can have access to the full 21 days forever and use it for daily practice. (Links will be sent in email)


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3 Unreleased Guided Meditations & 5 Tracks for Deep Sleep

(One Time Offer) Bonus 5 Unreleased tracks for Deep Sleep using Delta Binaural Beats and 3 BONUS Guided Meditations for Conscious Rest from Pedro, Bryan and Taz (Not available anywhere else) (Only $27)

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Here is what's included...

Here is what others are saying about the guided meditations...

The Elements for Stress Relief: 21 Days of Not Giving AF experience has been especially helpful in the new routine we find ourselves in- divine timing! I look forward to starting my day with the guided meditation each morning right when my alarm goes off; it sets me up to be productive, positive, & light. I am so impressed with the smooth format, community engagement, & loving support thanks to Pedro, Bryan, & for all moods, seasons and settings. I love integrating these conscious mixes into my yoga and meditation practice and classes. Filled with love and gratitude!” - Mary Tilson Yoga

This challenge is really helping me to turn my mood around. Totally accessible, couldn't have come at a better time!

The 21 days of not giving AF Meditation challenge has been such a helpful practice during this crazy stressful time we are all going through. The meditations have been super grounding, leaving me feeling more at ease and not so stressed! I hope many people continue to join in the challenge to help us as a collective feel more supported. #weareinthistogether

Elements for Stress Relief: 21 Days of Not Giving AF is the best meditation challenge I’ve ever participated in! Each host guides you on a journey of relaxation through the use of binaural beats, focused thought, mantras and looking inward. This challenge is great for those just trying out meditation as time flies by; before I know it my 10 minute meditation is over and I’m left feeling euphoric, peaceful, and full of bliss the rest of the day! Each meditation has truly brought me daily peace, and I could not be more grateful to be a participant in this life changing challenge!

Elements for Stress Relief has been a great way to start a daily meditation practice! Pedro, Brian, and DJ Taz have put together the perfect combo of guided meditations and binaural beats to help one find stillness and feel comfortable to stay there. Starting my day with a sense of peace and calm is a welcome change and one I look forward to continuing once this challenge is completed!